Butler Health System | Health Link | Winter 2023

Do you have a primary care provider (PCP)? That’s a doctor, physician assistant, nurse practitioner or other provider who sees you on a regular basis. If the answer is, “Not at the moment,” then it’s time to call one and make an appointment. Simply put, having a PCP is one of the best things you can do to be healthy. Here are five reasons why: 1. Prevention is the best medicine. “The No. 1 reason to see a primary care provider is to receive preventive care,” says Veronica Vezzani, MD, a family medicine provider at Butler Health System. Your provider can help make sure you receive health screenings and immunizations on time. For example, it might be time for a colon cancer screening or a tetanus (lockjaw) booster. Your provider also can help you manage a chronic condition you may already have, like diabetes, anxiety or depression. 2. You may need someone to coordinate your care. Do you see more than one doctor? Your PCP can help make sure they’re on the same page about your treatments. Such coordinated care benefits you in many ways—for instance, by helping you avoid being prescribed medicines that interact with those you are already taking or with your other medical conditions. “A lot of patients, because they’re seeing so many providers, will be on multiple medications,” Dr. Vezzani notes. 3. Together you can tackle a health habit. Are you ready to work toward a health goal? Maybe that’s quitting smoking, eating better, shedding pounds or increasing your energy. PCPs can offer support and education, boosting their patients’ successes. “They are going to feel empowered,” Dr. Vezzani says. A primary care provider can help you achieve your best possible health 4. PCPs look at the whole picture of your health. When you develop a relationship with a provider, you’ll have someone who knows you and your medical history. You can talk to your PCP about major life changes that may affect your emotional and physical health. “If someone comes in with a knee injury, I can also talk to them about their need for a colonoscopy,” Dr. Vezzani says. 5. Some health problems don’t cause symptoms. Your PCP can look for treatable health risks before they may cause bigger problems. Two examples are high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Over time, these silent conditions can lead to a heart attack or a stroke. “A lot of conditions that present themselves later in life can be avoided,” Dr. Vezzani notes. The power of primary care Looking for a primary care provider? Search on ButlerHealthSystem.org under “Find a Provider” or call 833-602-CARE (2273). Four great questions for your doctor These questions can help you better understand your medical care and what you need to do to stay healthy. What treatments or tests do you recommend for me? Why do I need this medicine, therapy or test? Are there possible risks or side effects I should know about? What else can I do to improve my health? A TOOL FOR BETTER HEALTH Sources: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; American Academy of Family Physicians; National Institutes of Health 1 2 3 4 Ready when you need it! Cut this card out for your wallet. Veronica Vezzani, MD, is one of the many Butler Health System primary care providers available in several convenient locations to care for you and every member of your family.